What Security Insurance Coverage Do You Absolutely Need?

Even the best physical security companies can’t prevent every risk. Bad things happen outside of our control every day.
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Even the best physical security companies can’t prevent every risk. Bad things happen outside of our control every day.
Over the last decade, several big new trends in security technology have emerged to overhaul what it means to work in the industry.
LinkedIn is a robust platform, but most think it's only use is finding new jobs. While it’s an excellent system for finding new candidates (perhaps a future topic of discussion here at Thinkcurity, we’re finding that physical security companies are using it increasingly to prospect for new clients.
The world is no longer as safe as it was decades ago, especially for businesses. As of February 2022, security threats have increased, affecting 88% of businesses in the United States.
Physical security business owners hold much responsibility. Your services must protect people, physical assets, and properties, guarding against damage or loss.
Physical security remains a big deal across many industries, providing protection and peace of mind.
Statistically, more diverse and inclusive teams get 60% better results than others. Moreover, three in four job applicants consider diversity when accepting work.
Security technology integration is exciting. Things like touchless access control, temperature-sensitive video surveillance, and drone patrols are making headlines every day, and they are undoubtedly on the rise in terms of popularity.
The sales process can be daunting, especially in the physical security industry where most of the market is captured by a few dominant players.
For a long time, the contract security industry has faced fierce competition. A limited number of large companies dominate the market and hundreds of other security guard businesses battle for what’s left of the contracts.
The private security industry has a problem that most business owners have just learned to accept - turnover. Security officers turnover at a national average of around 62%.
Figuring out what does and doesn’t work in the security guard service sales process can be frustrating.