10 Ways Private Security Firms Can Increase Profitability

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It’s essential to continually assess what’s working and what isn't to make changes that improve profitability. This is especially true for physical security businesses because of their unique needs and challenges. You must continuously make operational changes to remain profitable.

Lessons Learned in School Safety

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School safety is a hot button topic, and physical security companies all over the country are stepping up to provide a safe and violence-free environment for our youth.

How To Minimize Your Risk Exposure and Plan for Emergent Situations

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The world is no longer as safe as it was decades ago, especially for businesses. As of February 2022, security threats have increased, affecting 88% of businesses in the United States.

End of the Year Guard Audit and Training Opportunities

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Physical security business owners hold much responsibility. Your services must protect people, physical assets, and properties, guarding against damage or loss.

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis on Your Security Firm

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A SWOT analysis evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your business.

How to Pinpoint Your Target Market

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Like most small businesses, you may be unsure of who your target market is. Or worse, you may think your core audience is everyone.

Cannabis and Security: Growing Together

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Now that 18 states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, the potential for its growth has escalated more and more rapidly.

Should You Provide Remote Monitoring Services?

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In the security industry, sometimes seeing is believing. Which begs the question: Should a security guard company provide video monitoring?