These numbers suggest how crucial diversity, inclusion, and accommodation are in different industries.

The same is true for the physical security industry. To achieve continuous growth and innovation, private security companies should promote inclusion and diversity within their organizational structure. Given this, how does the physical security industry strive to become more inclusive and diverse?

Below, we’ll talk about these improvements, including hiring veterans, enhancing security training programs, and more, so keep reading.

Hiring Veterans

Military veterans are those who risked life and limb for their country and are indisputably heroes. However, their reintegration into civilian life often includes struggles, like finding work opportunities. Employers in the civilian sector find it hard to incorporate their highly specialized skill sets into their business models. Moreover, older veterans are sometimes afflicted with mental or physical conditions, making their marketability even lower.

Fortunately, the physical security industry is expanding its standards for hiring and accepting veterans. Besides, their areas of expertise are in line with what private security firms are looking for. Their knowledge of combat and tactics means that they would require less practical security training. They have great problem-solving and leadership skills too, making them great assets to physical security companies.

Creating Training Programs

Another way that the physical security industry is becoming more inclusive and accommodating is by creating training programs that help even those not originally from the security field. For instance, good training platforms and online courses allow everyone to learn security training in a more convenient, accessible, and engaging manner.

Cross-training promotes diversity and inclusion too. Security officers should not be confined to fieldwork. They should also receive training for operational management and be familiar with the inner workings of the control room. This way, security officers will develop a broader understanding of not only the significance of their roles but also the intricacies of security operations as a whole.

Getting a good grasp of each other’s roles and responsibilities allows the organization to devise new practices and strategies in reaching set objectives. Such inclusion will also result in better communication between the security officers and managers, promoting healthy discourse and feedback at all levels of the organization.

Reaching Out to Minority Communities

Companies made up of diverse employees are shown to be more productive and profitable than their less diverse counterparts. A study showing that ethnically diverse companies lead by a 33% profitability margin equates this higher success rate to a more diverse pool of talents to select from.

Thus, physical security companies should not hire based on antiquated notions of socio-cultural supremacy. Members of minority communities have time and again proven to be as efficient and hardworking as any other worker. People belonging to a minority religion, race, or sexual orientation can likewise use their different perspectives and experiences to improve company dynamics.

Moreover, the cultural familiarity that such inclusion will bring allows physical security companies to employ the best methods when dealing with clients who themselves belong to minority communities.

Addressing Gender Issues

Current statistics show that women in the largest security companies consist of just 10% to 20% of the security workforce. With the advent of modern technology and contemporary security measures, the common argument against women being of inferior stature and strength compared to men is becoming less and less relevant.

Women can serve pivotal roles in the security workforce despite any physiological differences, especially since the security industry is now putting more focus on electronic surveillance, which lends less attention to physical prowess. In any case, women’s capacity to learn defensive and disarming techniques can more than make up for their generally smaller build.

The perceived nature of women can also be an advantage in deescalating altercations. Women are perceived to be less aggressive and more negotiable than men, thus increasing the likelihood of concerned parties entering into conflict resolution.

Final Thoughts

As we’ve illustrated, the physical security industry should evolve with the times. A more holistic approach based on merit and experience should be the basis in selecting private security candidates.

By adopting a more progressive approach, physical security companies would open their door to countless talents and experts. This benefits not only the marginalized sectors of society but also the company’s standing as a whole.