Of the many responsibilities fulfilled by a security guard team, few are more important than completing incident reports. From informing a client of a relatively minor maintenance issue to calling in an emergency situation, getting the right information to the right people is crucial for ensuring that a problem does not get out of hand.
For problems big and small, the benefits of real-time data cannot be overstated. Quite simply, when your guards have access to an incident reporting system that leverages real-time data, you’ll be able to deliver more valuable results to your clients than ever before.
The following are just a few of the top benefits of real-time data that will have an impact for both your security staff and your clients:
Rapid response
As should be expected, the greatest benefit of using real-time data in incident reporting is that it allows security management teams and their clients to respond faster than ever before.
By using a software that allows guards to upload an incident report directly from their device, clients won’t have to wait until the end of a shift to be notified of an incident that merits their attention. Instead, they can receive information shortly after the guard first discovers the problem, which enables them to take swift action to correct the issue. SMS and email notifications ensure that the right people receive an immediate notification after a report is submitted, so that nothing goes overlooked.
This can be especially valuable after a guard discovers a maintenance issue during their patrol. There are some situations where each hour that passes before the problem is fixed could result in further damage to a client facility. With real-time data, however, the client would be able to immediately schedule emergency maintenance work and stop the problem before it gets even worse, resulting in significant financial savings.
Improved accuracy
Replacing paper reports with real-time digital reporting software doesn’t just get vital information out quicker — it also ensures that all necessary data is included in the report. The use of real-time data enables the automation of several parts of the reporting process — time stamps and location can be filled out using a device’s internal clock and GPS tracking, ensuring the accuracy of these crucial pieces of data. Eliminating the potential for errors in location reporting will prevent confusion and guarantee a faster resolution.
In a further step to improve efficiency, real-time incident reporting software allows management to customize which fields their guards need to fill out. Because these fields are mandatory, you won’t have to worry about receiving incomplete reports that lack the necessary information for resolving the problem. With accurate data, mistakes will be avoided and effective solutions will be found for each incident.
Trust and transparency
Another advantage of real-time data is that it increases trust and transparency between a security provider and their clients.
You won’t have to worry about the risk of incident reports and other crucial data points getting lost in a stack of papers — instead, information is backed up digitally, ensuring that it is readily available for review and analysis. This can be particularly helpful when analyzing historical data to look for recurring problems and other security-related trends.
As a direct result of providing accurate data that is delivered in real time, your clients gain a greater appreciation for the work your team performs on their behalf. This in turn makes it that much easier to take a collaborative approach in addressing the security issues a client may face.
With this increased level of trust, your ability to retain clients will dramatically increase, allowing you to further grow your business.