How to Separate the Signal from the Noise
You have kicked the tires on a number of software platforms in security workforce management. You can recite by heart the claims they are making about being the best solution since no-lick envelopes. But now it is short-list time.
You want to identify the software that does not live up to its claims. You want to determine which solutions will truly contribute to the efficiency and profitability of your security services company. To help save you time and money, we have listed below seven questions that will help eliminate the vendors making “noise” from the ones that signal a path to efficiency and growth.
The Checklist for Your Software Selection Process
These seven questions are, of course, part of a larger process for selecting software. We are assuming that before getting to this short-listing phase, you and your team have been carrying out a sound and systematic search for the right software. To make doubly sure you have organized you software search effectively, see our article, 7 Steps to Selecting the Key Software for Your Security Business.
Now, onto the short-listing.