According to the latest Freedonia report on the industry, there are thousands of licensed private security companies operating in North America, thousands more in Europe according to COESS, and uncounted others in the rest of the world.

All the same great thought-provoking security content from Thinkcurity and TrackTik is now under one roof. Explore your one-stop shop for information and resources that re-imagine physical security.
According to the latest Freedonia report on the industry, there are thousands of licensed private security companies operating in North America, thousands more in Europe according to COESS, and uncounted others in the rest of the world.
Learn why technological innovation is the answer to increased efficiency and why it’s important to take advantage of it to make better security decisions.
Take your security business to the next level by automating your operations with a security workforce management platform. But, what should you expect?
Real-time data for security reporting should be a best practice for security providers, end users, and practitioners. Learn why in this whitepaper.
As expectations about security rise, Corporate Security Executives are put under more pressure. This is our guide to help you redefine your expectations.
These simple planning guidelines will help you carry out an effective change management program to maximize your ROI and reduce missteps.
With quality scheduling software, you can slash your administrative and operation costs, reduce the risk of human error, and save time as you streamline your operations--all of which will help your business become more efficient and profitable.
Numerous platforms in workforce management software claim they can help your security services business operate more effectively. How do you separate the signal from the noise among these claims?
What can security teams do in the healthcare sector to be best prepared for potential incidents?
Supporting staff accountability can be easy with the right tools. TrackTik was made to simplify reporting and communications.
Three steps to follow to help you align your objectives with those of your leadership using SMART objective setting, data analytics and technology.
Whether you are a security service firm or a corporate security operation, driving costs down has and always been a daily concern for managers alike. But where should you focus your efforts? With each component of a security firm being vital in its own way, it may be difficult for some to hone in on…
How to Build a Winning Sales Strategy to Improve Close Rates and Maximize Revenue Potential
How to Prospect New Physical Security Clients and Build Brand Recognition Online
Providing Services for Healthcare, Utility, Manufacturing, and Financial Services
With information gathered from over 200 respondents, the Thinkcurity 2022 Physical Security Outlook is a detailed report on where we are as an industry, and how we'll grow over the next year.
Make sure your team is prepared! Whether you're considering a career in security or building your team of security professionals, the Ultimate Security Guard Training eBook is your key to unlocking your full potential.
Your Blueprint for a Safe and Secure Event Awaits
Designed to help you remain competitive in the contract security market, this guide will give you a deeper understanding of current security guard pay & contract billing rates so you can streamline costs, mitigate risks, and improve profit margins in your own organization.