The Benefits of a Subcontractor Workforce

How to Grow Your Business and Leverage New Opportunities and Manage Risk Through Subcontracting

These days, we’re all struggling with the same problems: how do I increase my team size to maximize product and service offerings without increasing my bottom line and maintaining productivity? There’s a short answer that most have yet to consider that would benefit everyone involved in the process.

Subcontracting in the physical security industry isn’t necessarily new, but Paul Ohm, CPP, Executive Vice President & Principal of P4 Security Solutions, and Ken Grossberger, PhD, CPP , Vice President of Elite Investigations, are going to share their insider industry knowledge on how security businesses of any size can leverage subcontractors to increase profits, grow their businesses, manage risk and build a more robust workforce.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to attract top subcontractors and build a stronger security team
  • Cost-effective ways to build and scale business growth with temporary partners
  • Ways to improve working relationships within the security sector for mutual growth

Turn competitors into partners with our interactive and informative webinar.


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Event Details

Webinar On-demand

May 14, 2022