Deliver security patrol services that exceed your customer’s expectations while also supporting profitable growth and operational efficiency.
The first step to enhancing your services is to review your current operations and your customer contracts and ask yourself questions such as:
- Are your officers able to easily complete their patrols?
- Are officers at the right stop at the right time?
- Are you able to quickly assign resources to incomplete jobs?
Hesitation in answering these questions should be a prompt for you to explore the ways in which you can optimize your security patrol operations. To support you in your task, we’ve outlined a few ways in which this can be done with minimal disruption to your other business functions.
Set expectations
The jumping off point is with your customers. Before you begin any strategizing, it’s key to learn their needs inside and out. This allows you to get ahead of a number of challenges:
- Defining Service Level Agreements and adherence to them can be is easier once needs have been mutually agreed on and outlined
- Designing efficient runsheets and assigning resources is contingent on the scope of the services requested and number of sites needing to be covered
- Finding and co-creating a mutually beneficial security plan can be done using your experience and actual operational data
Similarities or differences with other customer profiles on your roster may allow you to leverage a set of repeatable processes and lessons learned that you can then put into place with ease. This makes onboarding a new customer faster, and more efficient.
Apply technology to support efficiency
We’re almost two decades deep into a rapidly evolving information era. Your business may have built its success on some good old-fashioned values when it comes to customer care, but for operations, if you aren’t taking advantage of the latest security technology, you risk being left behind. A pencil and clipboard simply isn’t enough anymore.
There are still a few security managers who think that not having an integrated system is ‘easier’ and less hassle than rolling out new technology. The reality is that short-term thinking can impact on service quality, and customer satisfaction and retention.
Fortunately, many security managers are waking up to the need to use technology to drive quality services. Having data centralized, easily accessible and standardized translates to time and efficiency savings that will jolt any decision-maker into rethinking their offline practices.
Running your operations using mobile security patrol software can also support your training and supervision efforts by enabling you to include detailed job instructions for each job on your runsheet. This means greater consistency in quality and clearer expectations for your security personnel as they will always have specific site and job details at their fingertips.
A security patrol software platform like TrackTik, as well as supporting service quality, also enables you to react quicker to changes. This technology gives you a live feed of your mobile patrol operations so you can assign your resources to jobs based on the facts on the ground. You can reassign jobs to dispatch officers or amend a runsheet to accommodate changes while complying with your contractual obligations to your officers and customers.
Comprehensive reporting and invoicing
Your operational data can then be used to easily create detailed, tailored reports for each customer, breaking down patrols by route position; account; patrol status; user; date; month; year; day of the week; job type; runsheet; and regional office. It defines a new standard in transparency and accountability for your customers.
Having this in-depth view of what’s actually happening on the ground will also enable you to spot opportunities for operational efficiency and allow you to structure your operations in a way that delivers maximum profitability.
Coupled with technology that supports your contracts and invoicing, you can further automate aspects of your admin and oversight delivering right-first-time payroll for your officers as well as hyper-accurate billing for your customers that fully aligns with your contract terms.
A new approach to mobile patrols
When you use technology to connect your frontline personnel, back office and your customers, you break down silos and improve communication. This benefits both your operations and your customers and allows you to build on the values that have driven your business this far, and take you into a new era of operational excellence. Technology allows you to design tailored mobile patrol services and innovative pricing structures to meet your customers needs, without adding an extra administrative burden or allowing errors to creep in. This flexibility allows you to double-down on customer centricity helping you stand out from your competitors and amplifying the impact of your resources.
A new age has dawned in security workforce management: are you on the cutting edge?