One of the key benefits of implementing a security executive dashboard is the unparalleled access you can get to key pieces of information that will help you better manage your company. Not only do dashboard analytics help you improve the efficiency of both your office staff and your security guards; they can also help you understand the vital data your team collects every day. Smart use of this data will allow you to improve your profitability like never before.
So which executive dashboard analytics can have the greatest impact on your efficiency and profitability?
Here’s a closer look at two key areas where insightful analytics reports are the most crucial to your success:
Monitoring Incident Trends
Your ability to appropriately and swiftly respond to incidents plays a key role in your ability to attract and retain clients. As such, any steps you can take to improve your ability to mitigate and manage risk can go a long way in improving the operating efficiency of your field team.
An executive dashboard helps you with this vital task by cuing in on key trends related to on-site incidents. Response time, type of incident, and what actions were necessary to resolve the problem, can all be analyzed through an intelligent analytics system so you can better identify patterns and areas where improvement may be needed.
For example, you might discover that a particular client site is especially prone to break ins through their back gate. By showcasing the information your security guards have gathered, you can take a proactive approach by increasing tours to this area with more variance, or suggesting that they improve the gate or lock that they’re currently utilizing, eliminating the problem altogether.
By taking these steps to maximize your client’s return on investment, you’ll ultimately be improving your client retention and satisfaction.
Overtime Hours & Other Operating Costs

An executive dashboard isn’t just limited to helping you improve efficiency in the field. It also plays a central role in allowing your office staff to take the necessary steps to reduce your operating costs.
Overtime hours are far and away one of the biggest concerns of security companies worldwide. Ensuring that every shift is filled while also limiting overtime expenses can often seem like an insurmountable challenge, but with the help of a security executive dashboard, it becomes surprisingly easy to identify and correct issues related to overtime.
By collecting a wide swath of data related to overtime hours, such as which sites are most prone to costly overtime, or even which guards are receiving an inordinate number of overtime shifts, you’ll be able to plan ahead and realocate overtime hours when needed.
By identifying overtime hours and other operating costs associated with each client, you’ll be better positioned to determine which clients are actually contributing to your bottom line and which ones might actually be hurting your profit margins so you can make smarter contractual decisions. You can identify back office practices that may need to change to limit overtime hours, such as hiring new staff or fine-tuning your scheduling process.
As you use this data to improve your managerial team’s efficiency, they will be in a better position to manage client contracts and employee hours for maximum profitability.
By taking advantage of the data provided to you by your security executive dashboard, you can put your company in a better position to cut operating expenses and achieve sustainable growth, subsequently allowing you to dramatically improve your financial situation. To ensure a bright financial future, few things will have a greater impact than utilizing these key data points.